Bunning Co-Sponsors Republican Plan To Curb Soaring Energy Prices And Increase Domestic Production


Date: May 1, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Bunning Co-Sponsors Republican Plan To Curb Soaring Energy Prices And Increase Domestic Production

U.S. Senator Jim Bunning today joined Senator Pete Domenici and other Senate Republicans in introducing the American Energy Production Act of 2008 to address America's soaring gas prices by focusing on commonsense measures to increase domestic energy production such as a proposal authored by Bunning that would encourage the use of coal-to-liquid fuel.

"American energy prices are at an all time high and it is time Congress acts to implement policies that will increase domestic production here at home," said Bunning. "Two years ago during the 2006 election, Democrats took control of Congress and promised the voters that they would do something to lower the price people were paying at the pump. Since taking control the Democrats have broken that promise, prices are higher and our economy is being held hostage by foreign oil.

"The bill that I have co-sponsored today with my Republican colleagues offers commonsense solutions to address America's soaring gas prices such as my proposal to use coal-to liquid fuel. Coal is our most abundant domestic resource and by developing this technology we can bring new jobs and revenue to my state of Kentucky. That is the most important part of the bill we are introducing today - more domestic energy production means more American jobs.

"While the Democrats may talk a good game, I still haven't seen a helpful energy plan from them. Talk is cheap, gas is not. Actions speak louder than words and today Republicans offered a plan that will provide relief to American consumers, decrease our dependence on foreign oil, and create more jobs. The time for talk is over. We need to act now. The American people have waited long enough."
